The University of Sydney Endowment Fund selects BNP Paribas

BNP Paribas’ Securities Services business, global custodian with USD $13.9 trillion in assets under custody, has been chosen by The University of Sydney Endowment Fund


BNP Paribas’ Securities Services business, a leading global custodian with USD $13.9 trillion in assets under custody,[1] has been chosen by The University of Sydney Endowment Fund to provide custody and fund administration Services.

Established in 1850, the University of Sydney is the oldest university in Australia and has been operating an Endowment Fund since 1997, with AUD $4.4 bilion[2] currently in Assets Under Management. The Endowment Fund operates a Long Term Fund, Medium Term Fund and a Short Term Fund and invests across a range of domestic and global asset classes, listed and unlisted, public and private.

The University of Sydney Endowment Fund sought a new provider following the withdrawal of National Asset Servicing (National Australia Bank’s custody arm) from the Australian market. Miles Collins, Chief Investment Officer – Investment and Capital Management, from the University of Sydney Endowment Fund says BNP Paribas’ Securities Services business was selected due to its positive cultural fit, the ability to form a long-term partnership and the expertise of its teams.

“When selecting a new custodian, our top priority was to choose a provider which enables us to create a long-term partnership, built on collaboration and trust. We look forward to growing our relationship over time to help deliver our sustainability and growth agenda”, says Miles Collins.

David Pember, Head of Sales and Relationship Management, Securities Services at BNP Paribas, commented: “We are delighted that the University of Sydney Endowment Fund has joined our client community and we look forward to working together to deliver on their strategic goals.”

[1]BNP Paribas Half Year Results, as of 30th June 2024, Securities Services in numbers (
[2]The University of Sydney Endowment Fund Annual Report, December 2023.

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About Securities Services at BNP Paribas (

BNP Paribas’ Securities Services business is a leading global custodian providing multi-asset post-trade and asset servicing solutions to buy-side and sell-side market participants, corporates, and issuers. With a global reach covering 90+ markets, its custody network is one of the most extensive in the industry, enabling clients to maximise their investment opportunities worldwide. As a pillar of BNP Paribas’ diversified banking model, Securities Services provides asset servicing solutions that are closely integrated with the first-class services of the Group’s other business lines, in particular those of Global Banking and Global Markets. As of 30 June 2024, Securities Services had USD $13.9 trillion in assets under custody, USD $2.8 trillion in assets under administration and 9,155 funds administered[1].

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