
The Network Forum Virtual Annual Meeting

Securities Services
Virtual Meeting
29 June – 1 July

The Virtual Annual Meeting once again brought together the post-trade community in a virtual format, under the theme “a new dawn on the horizon”.

BNP Paribas Securities Services is proud to be a founding partner of the Network Forum and was happy to support the conference that took place between the 29 June and 1 July.

The Network Forum is a pre-eminent resource for the network management, custody and post trade community and we were delighted to engage with our clients and peers before, during and after the event.

Catch up on our Network Forum related content below. We look forward to connecting with you at future events.

The full agenda was published here.


Breakout sessions


10:00 – 10:30 BST

Building back better: resiliency and innovation
Bruno Campenon, Global Head of the Financial Intermediaries and Corporates
Graham Ray, Global Head of Sales and Relationship Management, Financial Intermediaries
Alan Cameron, Head of Financial Intermediaries & Corporates Client Line Advisory (moderator)

15:00 – 15:30 BST

Digital asset custody: chicken or egg?
Walter Barys, Senior Vice President, Head of Global Network Management, US Bank
Wayne Hughes, Head of Data and Digital for Financial Intermediaries and Corporates
Marie-France Dessertenne, Director, Sales & Relationship Management (moderator)

11:30 – 12:00 BST

AFME DDQ: update
Charlotte Blackie, Associate Director, Head of Network Risk Management & Control, Network Management, RBC Investor & Treasury Services
Grant Taylor, VP Global Network Management, Crédit Suisse
Alan Cameron
, Head of Financial Intermediaries & Corporates Client Line Advisory (moderator)

15:00 – 15:30 BST

Making tax digital
Mariangela Fumagalli, Head of Asset Servicing Product And Custody Regulatory Solutions
Nigel Nelkon
, Global Head of Tax Business Services
Alan Cameron
, Head of Financial Intermediaries & Corporates Client Line Advisory (moderator)

10:00 – 10:30 BST

Managing market risk: lessons learnt the hard way
Veerle Damen, Head of Network Management, Propositions and Customer Journeys Commercial Banking, NatWest
Ertunc Gurson, Head of TEB Securities Services and TRY Cash Clearing
Simon Walker
, Global Relationship Manager (moderator)

14:45 – 15:15 BST

Regional scale, local touch
Uwe Dreger, Head of Financial Intermediaries & Corporates and Custody Solutions, Germany/Austria
Felipe Maldonado
, Head of Financial Intermediaries & Corporates, Hispanic LatAm
Gráinne Edmonds
, UK Head of Sales and Relationship Management forFinancial Intermediaries (moderator)



Achieving settlement efficiency –
How we add value in Europe

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Derivatives Execution & Clearing (DEC), a full range of services in OTC and ETD clearing and execution, across equities, fixed income and commodities.

Operational efficiency

Our flexible outsourcing solutions let our clients channel their multi-market trade processing through a single global provider

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Regulatory and market changes are shaping the way our clients manage cash and liquidity. Optimising cash flow and leveraging liquidity processing on a global scale while reducing risks have become critical to our clients business…

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OTC & Collateral services

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Financing Solutions

Our financing solutions combine securities services with banking solutions to offer the financing that adapts best to our clients’ business requirements.

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