
Depositary bank & Trustee services

Securities Services

Fund Guides:  Luxembourg, Ireland, Hong Kong and Singapore
Discover our local fund expertise and dedicated suite of services

A leading global depositary bank

As traditional and alternative asset managers, and asset owners grow their businesses in an ever-changing regulatory and market environment, they need a depositary bank who they can trust with asset and investor protection while offering high-touch client service. We are a leading global provider of depositary and trustee services and safeguard EUR2.3 trillion in assets for more than 7,800 funds1 globally.

Why choose BNP Paribas for depositary services?

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Global scale and leadership

  • BNP Paribas is the largest European depositary bank, supporting clients in all major European jurisdictions including France, Luxembourg, Ireland, Germany and Italy
  • We also offer award-winning trustee services in Asia Pacific and fiduciary activities in Latin America
  • Clients can trust us for their full range of funds and asset classes; more than 600 clients use our services in 17 locations globally

Safekeeping through our proprietary network and global operating model

  • BNP Paribas’ global custody model covers 90+ markets, including 27 proprietary locations; 90%2 of our clients’ assets are held in our own network
  • We are a G-SIB backed by a strong European bank
  • Our harmonised global operating model ensures that there is consistency across all locations when fulfilling the key depositary responsibilities of oversight, safekeeping and cash monitoring.

Local expertise and insights

  • We have dedicated Depositary experts across all our locations, with specialist teams per asset class in our operational hubs, to ensure that our clients receive best in class Depositary services
  • Our teams of experts actively engage with local and regional regulatory and industry bodies, providing insights to clients on key market changes and development

[1] Figures as of 30 September 2023

[2] Excluding International Central Securities Depositories

Our depositary and trustee solution in detail


Oversight duties

Each client benefits from a Client Manager in their location, supported by our experienced team of professionals across 17 locations. Our service includes:

  • Due diligence of fund manager and service providers
  • Post trade compliance, investment and borrowing power monitoring using our scalable in-house system
  • Controls on subscriptions and redemptions
  • Timely settlement of transactions
  • Net Asset Value (NAV) reviews

Cash monitoring

Our industralised and automated platform ensures a consistent approach to monitoring activities:

  • Overview of all cash movements on a daily basis
  • Identification and specific control of significant cash flows
  • Monitoring and follow up of anomalies


  • Custody of global financial instruments, across a range of traditional and alternative asset classes
  • Asset segregation of client assets from bank assets and proprietary assets in books of third-party custodians and CSDs
  • Safekeeping of a wide variety of non-financial instruments

Standard list of delegates and sub-delegates of BNP Paribas appointed depositary of Ucits funds

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BNP Paribas appointed to provide depositary and global custody services for the newly launched EUR 1 billion Growth Fund Germany

BNP Paribas’ Securities Services business has been appointed to provide depositary and global custody services for the newly launched Growth Fund Germany, a key development of theFuture Fund (Investment Fund for Future Technologies) by the German Government and KfW Capital, one of the world’s leading promotional banks.