BNP Paribas’ investment services platform Manaos introduces SDR solutions to help UK asset managers comply with upcoming regulation


As UK asset managers gear up for the Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR)[1], BNP Paribas’ Securities Services business today announces that Manaos, a BNP Paribas investment services platform, has launched a set of specialised reporting and data solutions tailored to help them comply with the new regulatory obligations coming into force on 31 May 2024.

Building on Manaos’ expertise acquired from providing reporting solutions designed for the EU’s Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regime (SFDR), the new SDR solutions will assist UK asset managers in meeting their reporting obligations efficiently, providing them with actionable insights on integrating technology, data, and ESG principles into the process.

Manaos’ SDR solutions will offer a streamlined approach for UK asset managers to navigate the regulatory framework, enabling them to:

  1. Select and shop SDR data: Access to Manaos’ marketplace with over 20 data providers to customise SDR data points according to specific strategies.
  2. Screen portfolios: ESG data to assess portfolio alignment, identify labeling opportunities, and ensure marketing materials are compliant.
  3. Monitor alignment: Ability to define and monitor relevant ESG metrics using intuitive Manaos dashboards.
  4. Generate reports: Leverage of Manaos’ reporting capabilities to create standard or custom SDR dashboards and extract metrics for documentation.

Manaos, a BNP Paribas investment services platform, offers a range of value-added services to more than 150 clients (institutional investors and asset managers), from portfolio look-through to proprietary or regulatory reporting. Its open-architecture platform, providing access to a growing range of ESG data and analytical tools, now counts more than 20 data providers, 260 applications and 63,000 indicators.

Franck Delbès, CEO of Manaos, said: “UK asset managers are facing increasing regulatory demands, which will impact various facets of their operations, from marketing through legal, compliance and reporting to product development. Our mission at Manaos is to minimise complexity by streamlining data management processes, calculating ESG indicators, and preparing necessary disclosures, and ultimately support our clients in their sustainable strategies.”

Laura Vitagliano, Head of Sustainable Finance Strategy Client Engagement, Securities Services, BNP Paribas, commented: “We are pleased to support Manaos as it continuously expands its product offering to help clients adapt to the rapidly changing regulatory ESG landscape, further broadening BNP Paribas’ suite of integrated sustainable solutions.”

[1] Financial Conduct Authority’s Policy Statement PS23/16: Sustainability Disclosure Requirements (SDR) and investment labels.

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BNP Paribas’ Securities Services business is a leading global custodian providing multi-asset post-trade and asset servicing solutions to buy-side and sell-side market participants, corporates and issuers. With a global reach covering 90+ markets, its custody network is one of the most extensive in the industry, enabling clients to maximise their investment opportunities worldwide. As a pillar of BNP Paribas’ diversified banking model, Securities Services provides asset servicing solutions that are closely integrated with the first-class services of the Group’s other business lines, in particular those of Global Banking and Global Markets.

As of 31 March 2024, Securities Services had USD 14.4 trillion in assets under custody, USD 2.7 trillion in assets under administration and 9,829 funds administered.

About Manaos (

Developed by AELX SAS, a technology subsidiary of BNP Paribas, Manaos powers an all-in-one platform that connects the traditional information systems of institutional investors and asset management companies with carefully selected rating agencies and fintechs to manage all their investment services seamlessly. In practice, the Manaos platform enables investors to collect their fund compositions from their asset managers, while standardising portfolio data and allowing for asset-level portfolio look-through. From there, Manaos empowers asset managers and asset owners to test and measure their ESG investments performance by connecting their portfolio data to a range of over 20 best-of-breed ESG data providers (including MSCI, S&P Sustainable 1, Morningstar Sustainalytics, Moody’s and ISS ESG). Once enriched with third-party data, Manaos offers flexible, multimodal portfolio data extraction along with seamless data visualisation and dashboards features. Finally, Manaos reporting solutions help investors with the production of EETs (European ESG Template), SFDR PAI Statements, TCFD, LECArt.29, Taxonomy and SDR regulatory reports, client ESG reports and more.


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