
Economic responsibility

Systematic integration and management of environmental, social and governance risks

As a global custodian, we have an important role to play in helping our clients adopt and integrate ESG policies and demonstrate the value these can bring to an organisation.

In this context, we became the first global custodian to sign the UN supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) in September 2016.

By signing to the PRI in the “service provider category”, we are committed to providing, developing and promoting services that support clients’ implementation of the PRI’s six Principles.

We are convinced that we can have considerable influence over how our clients address ESG issues. In this respect, in order to better inform our customers, we regularly publish thought leadership papers and articles.


The ESG Global Survey 2021

The Path to ESG. No Turning Back for Asset Owners and Managers Now in its third edition, The Global ESG Survey 2021 shows the incorporation of ESG among institutional investors has matured and is accelerating, but with key challenges and room for growth. For the 2021 report, we surveyed 356 institutional investors across Europe, North […]

ESG Sustainable Finance Sustainable investment