
Asset and fund services

Securities Services

Fund Guides:  Luxembourg, Ireland, Hong Kong and Singapore
Discover our local fund expertise and dedicated suite of services

At BNP Paribas’ Securities Services, we offer flexible middle office outsourcing services regardless of clients’ choice of front office architecture.

Securities Services

A global depositary bank at the heart of funds servicing. With over 30 years of experience we are a leading provider of Trustee and Depositary services.

Securities Services

Fund administration

We are a leading global custodian and a global provider of accounting and administration services for funds, supporting clients across multiple domiciles.

Operational efficiency

OTC & Collateral services

BNP Paribas offers a complete suite of services dedicated to Over-the-Counter (OTC) instruments, we are ideally positioned to support you and help you reduce your operational and counterparty risks.

Securities Services

Hedge fund services

Mounting regulatory requirements, expanding data sets, and an increasingly demanding investor base seeking transparency, real-time reporting and a consistent user experience, is placing enormous pressure on a fund manager’s in-house infrastructure…

Securities Services

Our experts can provide fast, accurate analytics and regulatory reporting solutions to help you capture, measure and track your investment performance and risk.

Securities Services

Amidst a changing investor base and a pressurised cost environment, it is more important than ever for asset owners to be able to buy and service funds efficiently.

Securities Services

We deliver secure yet flexible services to efficiently manage international fund distribution

Securities Services